what is Fullstack Developer?

Most of my friends ask me what is Fullstack Deveper? or Define Fullstack developer or what are the responsibilities of fullstack developer. I Googled and got too many definitions and thinkings.
Even if we think about people in our social life, there are two type of people
- More social Always have work with anyone’s tasks
- Less social Just do their own tasks, Knows only about his own domain while do not bother with others.
Same is the case in development, some developer thinks he or she is PHP developer and do not have any responsibility of designing, database or any thing else. they do not take interest in other related technologies. and hence they think they are doing their tasks 100% which is what their duty.
while on the other hand some developers are a bit eager and creative to learn, they have extra thinking capabilities a explore related domains, like if he or she is PHP developer they want to know how page layout works and designed, how database works, what are currently used RDBS, which is best in which cases. they want to know about servers, Hosting, hosting, DNS, Cloud Computing, network, security which are all related to his domain. they always appear first to help and discuss issue of user experience with UX developer being PHP Developer. they do efforts and in return get at least 20-50% knowledge of surrounding domains.
If they are given some linux configuration task, they will get it done a few extra hours than a Linux expert takes. According to me these people are called FullStack Developer.
Definition Fullstack Developer
An expert who can deal with all stages of development and configuration lifecycle from scratch upto top. so that he/she can handle all of stages of his work without needing help of someone else, He/she can configure his development environment he/she can modal the system, design, develop, test, deploy and maintain according to user experience and organization interest.
A Full-stack Developer must know about the following stages of development and configuration life cycle.
Hardware know hows
a Fullstack Developer at least must know what hardware, how much capacity he need for his development and deployment. he/she must give options to employer and choose the right device according to their need and available resources.
A fullstack developer is responsible to configure all his environments like development, testing, deployment, backups, restore, security blah blah. He/she should be able to to these things upto a good level without taking help of
System Administrator or Network Administrator.
unlike fresher developers he/she should not look for some one else will install/Confgure Editor for him, or someone will deploy and test his code on live server etc.
Requirement Gathering
He/she must have good experience of requirements gathering and understanding of its process, must be able to communicate with clients, demonstrate his proposals and products.
Modeling the system
He/she must be able to modal the system, document it properly for the sack of development, user training and maintenance etc. so that when tasks are distributed it must be well described with wireframes and explainations, end
user can easily understand and run the system, support team can track the issue easily.
He/she must modal every thing like database in such a way that can be scaleable, secure, relaiable, and fulltime available.
User Interface and Designing
A Fullstack Developer must know User interface / Designing frameworks like HTML, CSS, Gurnt, Gupl, JQuery, Ajax, BootStrap, responsiveness on different devises, compatibility with different architectures.
As Fullstack developer he/she must choose best languages, frameworks and team members according to the project and must follow a good development model to get the target with quality product and minimum bugs.
Fullstack developer must know about all type of testing, configuring its environment, execution of tests and must understand testing reports to kill if there is any bug.
A fullstack Developer must know about deployment environments available now a days, like shared servers,
Dedicated servers, VPS, Cloud Hosting. what are companies providing these services which one is best and cost effective, what important features they provide.
Online identity (domain name) its security by SSL etc.
A fullstack developer must have good guts of troubleshooting and can fix bug or make changes sent by client after deployment without breaking the whole thing.
In Short a Fullstack Developer is a person who is smart enough to handle a project from scratch upto top without need of any assistance, It does not mean he/she will be doing every by himself, but he/she must know and direct others to do it in this way.
Please do let me know if you think I got it wrong, you can reach me at Alam Portfolio 🙂
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