Create you own custom captcha easily in PHP, before coding I want to explain what is Captcha and how it works? Captcha is used to distinguish human from given input, and it is ensured that form is submitted by human. Generally computers or bot are not capable of solving a Captcha. Bots are kind of software which has database of […]
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In this article I will be explaining php basic PDO mysql connection and queries example PDO stands for PHP Data Objects, it provides Multipledatabase access. by multiple database access it means that if we change our database from MySql to MS Access or Sqlite, we just need to make small change in database connection line, all other coding will work […]
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Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, means using JavaScript or Jquery we can send request to server without page reload. we can perform ajax request using JavaScript as well as Jquery, As JQuery requires less code so I always prefer Jquery over JavaScript. in this tutorial I will do it with JQuery. lets take an example, we have 2 […]
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Handle user flash messages via session variables which is more professional and easy to manage, How we can display these messages in traditional way, developers know how they display messages and update users about status of user operation(s) like record save successfully record updated successfully Failed to create account, please try after a while Most of new developers manage these […]
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It is really hard to type on mobile, You must be desired to have WhatsApp on your PC here is the method how you can open your WhatsApp on PC browser. How to open WhatsApp on PC without any software, its easy no software is required. just go to web browser and type https://web.whatsapp.com/ it will open a page showing […]
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Most of my friends ask me what is Fullstack Deveper? or Define Fullstack developer or what are the responsibilities of fullstack developer. I Googled and got too many definitions and thinkings. Even if we think about people in our social life, there are two type of people More social Always have work with anyone’s tasks Less social Just do their […]
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These days almost 90% of Software, web and app development companies of Peshawar are based in Deans Trade Center Saddar Peshawar, 5 top most, best and high ranked software houses in Peshawar Pakistan are listed below. All of these are doing well and producing world class software, websites and mobile applications. I will list top 5 best software houses in […]
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As CakePHP has created and modified datetime fields which automatically saved during insert and update operation, after few months development I felt there should also be automatic created_by and modified_by field handling so that we can reduce filling in each time current logged in user’s id in created_by and modified_by field manually. First of all I looked if CakePHP already […]
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CakePHP naming conventions can be found on CakePHP official website in detail, but here I will try to trim it to make it more easy to understand. What are naming conventions These are optional rules to name your database tables, Fields in a table, Files, Classes and Functions or Methods in classes, folder structure proposed etc. What are Benefits of […]
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Some times we install some applications or software which uses port 80 thats why WAMP Server always remains Orange, mostly Skype uses port 80 if you try quit skype and restart all services in WAMP Server, it will run successfully. if this method worked than it is confirm it is port 80 issue with skype. Now you have 2 options […]
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